Fairphone 2

Ars Technica and Slashdot have articles about a new modular mobile phone, the Fairphone 2. to quote “Assembly and disassembly is pretty straightforward, as well: “The modules are held together by Phillips screws marked with blue circles.”


Tiki Bar TV was one of the first webseries ever to grace the prestigious “computer internet”. We poured our first cocktail on March 15, 2005 when friends gathered in a Vancouver apartment with a vague idea for a show. For the next several years we served ad-libbed and sauced-up tales […]

Star Trek Continues

  From this Slashdot article: Okian Warrior writes “Hackaday brings us news about a continuation of the original Star Trek series. The Kickstarter-funded project is attempting to complete the original 5-year mission, which ended after only three seasons on the air. The fan-based and fan-supported reincarnation is cleverly titled Star […]

read Krebs on security

  Brian Krebs worked as a reporter for The Washington Post from 1995 to 2009, authoring more than 1,300 blog posts for the Security Fix blog, as well as hundreds of stories for washingtonpost.com and The Washington Post newspaper, including eight front-page stories in the dead-tree edition and a Post Magazine cover […]

like Skeptiod.com

Skeptoid is a weekly science podcast dedicated to furthering knowledge by blasting away the widespread pseudosciences that infect popular culture, and replacing them with way cooler reality. Each weekly episode focuses on a single phenomenon — an urban legend, a paranormal claim, alternative therapy, or something just plain stupid — that you’ve heard […]

recommend DrPC

  DrPC is an Australian owned company established in 1997 and is part of the DrGroup of companies. DrPC prides itself on providing fast and professional IT installation, service and support Australia wide. The DrGroup also incorporates DrAV – Audio Visual and DrVC – Voice and Communications Service and Support […]

read Slashdot

Slashdot (sometimes abbreviated as /.) is a technology-related news website owned by the US-based company Dice Holdings, Inc. The site, which bills itself as “News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters”, features user-submitted and evaluated news stories about science and technology related topics. Each story has a comments section attached to […]