Star Trek Continues


From this Slashdot article:

Okian Warrior writes
“Hackaday brings us news about a continuation of the original Star Trek series. The Kickstarter-funded project is attempting to complete the original 5-year mission, which ended after only three seasons on the air. The fan-based and fan-supported reincarnation is cleverly titled Star Trek Continues and has CBS’s consent. Check out the first episode, Pilgrim of Eternity. For being fan-made, it’s actually pretty good.”
The attention to detail in the sets, costumes, and even lighting is incredible. It’s far and away the most faithful re-creation of the original series I’ve ever seen.


Published on May 24, 2013
Apollo returns to wreak havoc on Kirk and the Enterprise in the first episode of the new series. Michael Forest, original series actor who played Apollo, reprises his role. (Closed captioning available).

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